Who Are TPD?

​Hello! I'm Emily, a Yorkshire Gal Born & Bred. ‘The Pampered Duchess’ was born in Autumn 2020, after the UK’s first lockdown. Wax melts were something I created and played about with like a mad scientist to see what was the nicest scent combination, I’ve really loved creating everything so far.’ 

February 2024 was the relaunch and rebrand. After some careful consideration, scent selections have been handpicked to most popular and a few of my favourites, along with a few new scent and a sprinkling of limited edition melts here and there.

A new looking website, online store, packaging, and even the melts themselves have had make overs, I have gone allllll out! 

We have our 'Core Scents' - that we have all year round. In addition we also have both 'Seasonal Scents' that come out every season (these scents return yearly!)

I don’t forget to follow us on social media for lots of 'behind the scenes' and 'sneak peaks’! 

 E xo